Grateful dead freddy spaghetti
Grateful dead freddy spaghetti

grateful dead freddy spaghetti

One room can hold several different puzzles. In particular, the themes and art style of The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick came to my mind, a story in which a young boy explores unfamiliar territory, discovering mechanical wonders. The game draws upon puppet shows and children’s books to convey its distinctive setting. It is this gradual increase in tension that adds to the sense of fulfilment when a challenge is resolved.Ī palette of greys fills most of the screen, with effective spots of colour that add to the striking visuals. The wrong move in a puzzle can cause Iris’s shadow form to “die”, causing a reset of the puzzle room. It’s like a toy box filled with pictographs, puppets, and mechanical contraptions, although these are toys to be played with delicately. Iris.Fall tells its story without dialogue, making use of the environment and player actions to push the adventure forward. One of the simpler puzzles: change the positions of the two puppets to match the imagery in the foreground. With Iris.Fall, it is best to not only think outside the box, but indeed on to the box’s shadow too.

grateful dead freddy spaghetti

There are also instances when a puzzle may require some frustrating traversal back and forth between levers.


On occasion, the abstract nature of the play environment (and it does get abstract) can cause a frown as you try to solve a conundrum, and sometimes I would stumble across the solution to a puzzle through trial and error, not particularly knowing why I succeeded. The puzzles themselves are varied in design, with several “a-ha!” moments as you identify the solution that has been staring you in the face all along. Iris is not a fast runner, but each puzzle room is not such a vast area that this becomes an issue. The girl and her cat are gracefully animated as they explore the many corners and oddities of the game’s setting. Iris moves with efficiency within the play area, although at times the camera angle can make it a little tricky to avoid walking into a piece of furniture rather than around it. If I woke from a nightmare, I too would probably head to the nearest dilapidated theatre to calm my nerves. Without the hints turned on, you may find yourself searching for clues with a little more pixel precision than you would like. The game offers the option of turning on hints this equates to a little icon that will appear when Iris is near something that she can interact with. An out-of-reach door may be physically beyond Iris’s reach, but if a shadow cast across a wall creates a “bridge” to the door, then a solution is found.

grateful dead freddy spaghetti grateful dead freddy spaghetti

When entering a new room, there is an initial moment of trying to ascertain where Iris needs to head next, to progress the story. For the most part, Iris in her physical form moves within 3D environments, with her shadow-self more limited to being able to navigate within a 2D plane when light is projected on to a wall. This light and shadow puzzle mechanic acts as the primary source of the challenges that form Iris.Fall, a beautifully composed adventure that – through fixed camera positions – takes Iris and the black cat through many rooms within the old building. The game will literally require you to get your cogs in gear.


Free from the limitations of having to walk in a physical space, the shadow can continue its journey along the wall, before reaching another open book back on the staircase, through which Iris can reappear in physical form. The gap is too wide to jump, but a conveniently placed open book on the floor acts as a magical spot that – when activated – allows Iris’s shadow to take on a life of its own. It is barely a few paces down a staircase however before her (and our) progress is blocked by several crumbled steps. The curiously minded girl rises from her bed and follows the animal as it darts out of her house, through the darkened streets, and into a towering, dilapidated theatre.Īfter this opening sequence, control of Iris is handed to the player. She spots a black cat sat silently in her bedroom, beside a window that has been left ajar. Poor Iris is awoken from sleep by a nightmare filled with looming shadows, disturbing puppetry, and a sense of danger. When you next fall asleep, consider yourself lucky if you wake from your slumber feeling refreshed after a good night’s rest.

Grateful dead freddy spaghetti