Tales from the borderlands rule hyperion
Tales from the borderlands rule hyperion

tales from the borderlands rule hyperion tales from the borderlands rule hyperion

JAYLEE: And that would make it so much better than Felix. JAYLEE: I read this interesting theory that’s “What if it’s Athena?” STACEY: One of the things that kind of stuck out to me about this episode is that it’s another… With all our episodic game Water Coolers we’re at the penultimate episode, and we’re still no closer to figuring out who this masked guy is and what he wants. That was a very good way to start the episode. STACEY: I chose not to run, which I thought was also really funny, because both she and their masked assailant just stare at him and talk about how ridiculous he looks as he’s running around in the foreground screaming. JAYLEE: Yeah, which I loved, because Fiona is just doing a steady little jog and Rhys is flailing behind her, and it’s hilarious. Which e both did different options there. JAYLEE: He put his own special spin on it. And he figured that out all on his own as an NPC. It’s just really silly movements that wouldn’t make any sense in real life, but the game’s program and structure that’s going to help you win. STACEY: But that is so funny, because that is exactly what you do. I just kept thinking Archer and “Concentric circles, Babou!” JAYLEE: So I loved that little nod to the roots of the first person shooter. Which is hilarious, not just because of how ridiculous he is when he zigzags, but because in all of these first person shooters that is rule number one: zigzag and people have trouble firing at you. JAYLEE: Another clever acknowledgement is during the present time, with the masked stranger, Rhys decides that he’s going to make a break for it, but he makes sure to tell Fiona that the best way not to get shot is to zigzag. STACEY: And it was really really funny, and really clever kind of acknowledgement of that. It’s just hitting the keys a bunch and going “I’m in!” And that’s exactly what we did. STACEY: And it’s hilarious because that’s exactly how “hacking” is portrayed in Hollywood. JAYLEE: Yeah, you just kind of mash the buttons. STACEY: But as things… Like, when he’s hacking the mainframe in the montage, literally all you have to do is press O or something… (laughs) And it is so ridiculous, and you know that it’s not going to work out this way because these are the Borderlands characters.

Tales from the borderlands rule hyperion movie#

I was kind of hinting at it earlier, but one of my favorite things was… In every heist movie they go through the plan and there’s like a montage of them actually doing the plan. JAYLEE: The big idea that Rhys has is that he needs to dress up like Vasquez, and for that he has to go find his dead body and then scan it and then get a disguise so his can be “Rhysquez.” Fiona and Sasha need to get Scooter’s help to build a spaceship. It’s mostly obviously in the narrative cues and the things we see, but the way we get to participate in it, especially the montage, where they’re talking about the heist, was just really funny. It really starts pulling lovingly from the heist genre. STACEY: And here the game kind of takes a change as far as genre tropes. This episode starts off pretty much immediately after that, where Vallory wants to get Gortys’ last piece, which is up in Hyperion. Last episode we left off without party in dire straits, as Vallory basically beat us up, took Athena, and is the Boss of Bosses now. This week we are tackling the penultimate episode of Tales from the Borderlands, at least for this season. JAYLEE: Hello and welcome back to the Push to Smart Water Cooler. This episode contains spoilers for Tales from the Borderlands. We are back this week with our thoughts on the penultimate episode of Tales from the Borderlands! Catch a ride!

Tales from the borderlands rule hyperion