Q emulator alternative
Q emulator alternative

q emulator alternative


  • git: Add 'lib' directory to source code.
  • for whatever reason, often src and dest files have timestamps which differ only by ms, they are the same file.
  • synctool: increase default time tolerance for file comparison.
  • Thanks to Sandman1973 on the forums for raising this.

  • This should stop windows defender flagging QPnode.exe as a potential virus.

    qpnode: upgrade node.js version qpnode from node 10 to 14.

    q emulator alternative

    thanks to user quickplayer for pointing this dir: fix opening Rom in explorer issue when comma part of filename,.romlist: prompt before clearing romlist.

    q emulator alternative

    this does not delete any files from disk, it removes item from your romdata.make no-path printing consistent between arcade and softlist printing.logic to invalidate rompath is your mame executable or its ini file change.always turn mame rompaths absolute (in case use has relative rompaths).add call to to get rompath from Mame's settings ini, add UI elements to display to user.alter all Mame 'printer' forms - should never have been able to change Mame emulator at the point of printing (since this potentially invalidates a number of decisions already made in Mame Options like rompaths).alter Mame Options form to accomodate filepaths.fix bug with Mame filepaths checkbox/flag, also disable correct sections if filepath printing has been disabled.Thanks to Ulao and others for raising issues that led to this conclusion.Possibilities for Mame rompaths set by users is arbitrary, therefore convention can't be guessed by machines, instead ask the user to tell us via dropdowns where each of the four romtypes we deal with are.mame: rethink Mame filepaths functionlity:.Re-class all ZX Spectrums as Sinclair (Mame started calling some Amstrad).fix illegal filename chars introduced in a single emulator in Mame 0.219, causing softlist printing to exit.Instead use the Mame emulator the user has selected stop hardcoding Mame64 in generated Mame efind.mame: Fix issues found running against Mame 0.241.thanks to user hasseno for raising this.export: #49 - added name and comment to ini export.Quickplay is quite a different proposition than other retro-frontends as it favours functionality and simplicity over looks - you'll find thoroughness and consideration for users here, rather than gameplay videos and logos It also favors archived roms ( 7zip, the Good sets in particular) and incorporates a Multiloader disk loader for all kinds of CD/DVD-based systems, no matter how you compress them, and Tempest's ROMDATA files, giving auto-game information for a great many 80's and 90's systems. To date i think that QuickPlay supports the most emulators, multi-emulators, and other frontends ( MAME, MESS, RetroArch, Gamebase, Mednafen, BlueMSX, WinUAELoader, and others). Its creator, John Scott (wherever you are), came up with the idea of EMU-Finder files and scans, which have stood the test of time and proved to be immensely powerful. It takes a fresh approach to the backend which, in particular, gives blisteringly-fast search over large and diverse romsets. However unlike many other frontends of the time, its also very flexible and adaptable, and still updated by enthusiastic supporters. It was written in the heyday of RAD and OO frontends (as such it's written in Delphi), and like other frontends of the time, its very powerful and able to support considerable complexity and customisation (think MAMEUI, but on steroids). 'frontend-of-frontends', which has support for countless emulators and systems, old and new, with a philosophy of being quick and easy for new users, yet comprehensive and flexible for old-timers. QuickPlay is a windows-only powerful universal emulator

    Q emulator alternative